Daria Tuminas
The Liquid Monument
The Liquid MonumentEN
Excited to contribute to the upcoming volume 'What makes a Photobook Sustainable?' with a text 'The Liquid Monument' - the result of conversations with Liang-Pin Tsao, director of Lightbox Photo Library in Taipei, Taiwan; Caron Toshiko and Andi Ari Setiadi, co-founders of the photobook gallery and independent publishing initiative Gueari Galeri in Jakarta, Indonesia; and Czar Kristoff J.P., an artist based in Laguna, Philippines. The book is a compendium of 40 case studies on sustainable approaches to photobooks along with roundtable discussions, quotes, provocations and essays on elements of sustainable design, production, and distribution. Publisher: The Sustainable Photobook Publishing (SPP) network. Editor: Tamsin Green. Associate Editor: Eugenie Shinkle. The publication will be released in October 2024.
Lebohang Kganye, Mohlokomedi wa Tora
Lebohang Kganye, Mohlokomedi wa ToraEN
Portfolio text about Lebohang Kganye's project 'Mohlokomedi wa Tora' for Foam Magazine #65: Talent.
Maria Fusco, Master Rock
Maria Fusco, Master RockEN
Portfolio text about Maria Fusco's 'Master Rock' for Foam Magazine #64: EXTREMES - The Environmental Issue.
Productive Archiving Artistic Strategies, Future Memories, and Fluid Identities
Productive Archiving Artistic Strategies, Future Memories, and Fluid IdentitiesEN
An essay for the volume 'Productive Archiving Artistic Strategies, Future Memories, and Fluid Identities' edited by Ernst van Alphen. The book includes contributions by Aleida Assmann, Annet Dekker, Lars Ebert, Sebastián Díaz Morales, Monika Huber, William Kentridge, Pablo Lerma, Inge Meijer, Santu Mofokeng, Merapi Obermayer, Walid Raad, Ana Paula Saab, Drew Sawyer, Carla Subrizi, Marjan Teeuwen, Jeffrey Wallen.
To Destroy Is To Build
To Destroy Is To BuildEN
An essay on the project 'To Destroy Is To Build' by Czar Kristoff for Foam Magazine #61: Talent.
Бабулечка Галечка / Babulechka Galechka
Бабулечка Галечка / Babulechka GalechkaEN
A short story written at the workshop of the project 'How to Tell a Herstory' by affect lab.
Oil & Moss
Oil & MossEN
An essay on the project 'Oil & Moss' by Igor Tereshkov for Foam Magazine #58: Talent.
Is a Book Worth a Tree?
Is a Book Worth a Tree?EN
Material for YET issue 12 'What We Have Learnt About Publishing' about ecological sustainability of photobooks. Co-produced with Amelie Rose Schüle and together with nineteen publishers, designers, artists, printers, distributors and paper manufacturers.
Episodes of Script and Photography
Episodes of Script and PhotographyEN
Focus Essay for Foam Magazine #51: SEER/BELIEVER.
Salt in My Eyes
Salt in My EyesEN
Essay on the Salt Lake series of Boris Mikhailov for Foam Magazine #50: Water.
Opgespannen spieren Fotografie tussen antropologie en performancekunst
Opgespannen spieren Fotografie tussen antropologie en performancekunst
An essay about the photobook “Maximilian Stejskal – Folklig idrott" and relations between photography, anthropology and performance art. Published in EXTRA 21 in Dutch.
Eye + Water =
Eye + Water =EN
An essay accompanying the book Noir by Martine Stig (published by Fw:Books).
Performance of maturing
Performance of maturingEN
About the project Grazed Knees by Irina Yulieva for YET magazine.
Farewell Camera?
Farewell Camera?RU
on John Divola’s ‘As far as I could get’
Unseen Blog
Counting Trees
Counting TreesEN
Unseen Blog
On.Foam RU
Ф. Magazine
No/Mercy Photography
No/Mercy PhotographyRU
on Luuk Wilmering. Ф. Magazine
‘Unity poses’ in photographic archives of rural people (based on material of field works of 2008-2009 years, Arkhangelsk area)
‘Unity poses’ in photographic archives of rural people (based on material of field works of 2008-2009 years, Arkhangelsk area)RU
In 'Speech and Ritual Culture of Russian North'. SPb, 2012. Ed. by I.S. Veselova, A.A. Stepihov pp.180-186
A Window
A WindowRU
In a project 'Semiotics of a Russian House'
Curating & Production
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